Aing is one of the talented and well knowledge in pastry and bakery business, she began her career in bakery and pastry business since 1994. She gained her knowledge and skills from studying in Europe, Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia and Australia. Aing as a very successful enterpreneur in the field of bakery and pastry, she has expands the pastry business in Australia and Thailand. Aing made her dreams came true by the establishment of Indonesia Patisserie School which has an international standardization and her mission is to indicate her spectacular innovations into the pastry world.
Indonesia Patisserie School instructs over 400 students and pastry professionals in hands-on classes each year and offers 4 main programs. Enterpreneur class which is a 6 months to 1 year certificate course; Basic Class which is a 3 months certificate program; Intermediate Class which is a 6 months advanced pastry class certificate program; Superior Class which is a 3 months certificate program; and Cooking Class which is a 6 months certificate program. Indonesia Patisserie School offers you the valuable opportunity to learn various pastries in intimate setting, being personally mentored by Master Aing as well as experts in the field.